Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Sports Management - 1026 Words

SPORTS AND games have been a part of human civilization from times immemorial. Sports and games provide a wonderful opportunity for holistic development of our body and mind. It inculcates a spirit of healthy competition and a true sense of patriotism within us. With the passage of time a lot of changes have taken place in the sporting world. In the beginning of the 21st century it is clearly evident that a huge amount of money, glamour, name, fame, media exposure and fan following has become an integral part of today s competitive sports. Sports Management is the study of planning, supervising and organizing various sporting activities like international and domestic tournaments for cricket, football, hockey, golf, and several other†¦show more content†¦As a sports agent or manager, you will have to keep a track of your clients schedules, look after activities such as their career progression, business promotion and even media and public relations. Administrative affairs such as budgeting, finance and other logistics have to be taken care of, often. Sports administrators: Many private and government-sponsored sports institutions employ qualified officials to manage their work at various levels. Most of these officials, particularly the senior ones, usually are sports teachers, coaches who have experience in managing sports activities. Therefore, as a sports administrator, your basic responsibility would be the planning and management of sports activities and events, from time to time. Leisure and sport-club management: Today, all clubs, hotels and resorts boast of sports facilities and leisure centres. The work here would require you to handle administrative work, including that of managing accounts, planning, preparing schedules and timetables, and arranging for specialized coaches as per the requirement. Eligibility for sports management courses at post graduate level: You can take up any course of study at graduation level to be eligible for the sports management postgraduate diploma course. You could go in for a Bachelor s in Physical Education (BP Ed) or related course in the particular sports of your liking. The Sports Authority of India conducts courses in physical education that youShow MoreRelatedSports Management : Sport Management816 Words   |  4 Pages Sport management Did you know that there is more to sports teams than just scoring goals, touchdowns and runs? Sport management is a field concerning the business and education part of sports and recreation. It includes the front office system in professional sports, college sports, and recreation. Some examples of sport managers are: recreational sport managers, sport marketing, event management, facility management, sport economics, sport finance and sport information. Sport management canRead MoreThe Evolution Of Sport Management1486 Words   |  6 PagesThe evolution of sport management Comparatively, the field of sport management is a rather new academic discipline (Chalip, 2006), which has faced some challenges in terms of justifying its importance in the academic world. Nonetheless, Chalip (2006) believes it was an unavoidable course for the evolution of sport management. Mullin (1980) defined the sport manager as follows: ‘A person whose job entails planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling to be performed within the contextRead MoreThe Field Of Sport Management1217 Words   |  5 PagesComparatively, the field of sport management is a rather new academic discipline (Chalip, 2006), which has faced some challenges in terms of justifying its prominence in the academic world. Nonetheless, Chalip (2006) believes it was an unavoidable course for the evolution of sport management. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Logical Fallacies of Descartes’ Meditations on First...

The Logical Fallacies of Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy includes a proof for the existence of material objects, such as trees. Descartes accomplishes this by first doubting all things, from which he learns that he can be certain of nothing but his own existence as a thinking thing. From this established certainty, Descartes is able to provide proof for the existence of God, and, finally proof of the existence of material objects. Descartes’ proof of God, however, from which the proof of material things is made possible, is suspect: the proof relies on knowledge of clear and distinct ideas but knowledge of clear and distinct ideas relies on the existence of God. Furthermore,†¦show more content†¦Yet, all of this is false, Descartes argues. His senses deceive him. He is not reading a book; neither is he feeling its pages with his hands; nor is he experiencing the warmth of a fire. When I think very carefully about this, Descartes tells us, I see so plainly that there are no r eliable signs by which I can distinguish sleeping from waking that I am stupefied—and my stupor itself suggests that I am asleep! (Biffle, 22). How than, Descartes ponders, can one be certain that one does in fact have hands, or that one does in fact feel heat from fire? How, Descartes poses, can one know if one is awake or asleep, and, consequently, how can we be certain of anything? Fortunately, however, Descartes succeeds in determining one thing of which he can be certain. No matter how much he doubts, he can be certain of the fact that he is thinking, for the doubting is itself an affirmation of his thought. So he can be certain that he is at least a thing that thinks. Hence, the concept, I think, therefore I am is established in these ruminations. The first point of contention is found at this point of Descartes’ exposition. How does Descartes know he is a thinking thing? There are three ways to analyze this question; let us first examine Descartes’ method. Descartes defines a thinking thing as a thing that doubts, affirms, denies, understands a few things, is ignorant of many things, wills, refrains from willing,Show MoreRelatedCritique of Descartes Dream Argument Essay examples1527 Words   |  7 PagesLogan McKitrick Philosophy 101 14 November 2008 Critique of Descartes’ Dream Argument Descartes has written a set of six meditations on the first philosophy. In these meditations he analyzes his beliefs and questions where those beliefs were derived from. The first mediation of Descartes discusses his skeptical hypotheses; questioning the validity of the influences of his knowledge. He has a few main goals that are expressed through the first meditation. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Illustrated History of Treaty of Waitangi †

Question: Discuss about the Illustrated History of Treaty of Waitangi. Answer: Introduction: As a result of the establishment of Waitangi Tribunal, there has been the beginning of several major changes in New Zealand regarding the relationships between Maori and Pakeha. At the same time, the tribunal has also played an important role in revitalizing the Treaty of Waitangi in order to deal with the grievances of the Maori regarding their land, fisheries and several other issues. In the present paper, the effectiveness of the Waitangi Tribunal has been evaluated in satisfying the grievances of the Maori that arise due to the breach by the Crown of the provisions of the Treaty. The history of the Waitangi Tribunal: The Waitangi Tribunal has been established by the government under the Treaty of Waitangi Act, 1975. After the treaty was signed by the parties in 1840, there have been several complaints by the Maori that the terms of the Treaty have not been properly fulfilled by the Crown. However, in most of the cases these petitions and protests went unheard. It was even stated by a judge in 1877 that the treaty was in fact, a "legal nullity". It was in 1970s when the protests of the Maori regarding the unresolved grievances related with the Treaty started to rise and sometimes they took place beyond the law (Gardiner, 1996). In this way, an attempt was made to provide a legal process, by setting up the Waitangi Tribunal, through which the claims of the Maori related with the Treaty of Waitangi may be investigated. At the same time, the inquiries made by the Waitangi Tribunal also help in resolving the Treaty claims and also in the reconciliation of the issu es that are outstanding between the Crown and the Maori (Lean, 1999). The workings of the Waitangi Tribunal: There are a number of significant issues regarding which the Waitangi Tribunal has reported. These issues range from te reo Maori and the radio spectrum to the fisheries, freshwater and underground resources. In this regard, a large number of recommendations that have been made by the Tribunal in its reports have also been implemented by the government (Walrond, 2006). In this way can be said that the reports of the Waitangi Tribunal had contributed in several initiatives and new initiatives like Maori radio, reo irirangi, the Maori language commission, the Maori broadcasting funding agency and Te Taura Whiri i te Reo M?ori. While in the beginning, the tribunal only have the power to hear claims related with the actions of the current government. However, it was in 1985 when the tribunal was allowed by the parliament to investigate events, going back to 1840. Under these circumstances, several hundred historical claims were made before the Waitangi Tribunal (Graham, 1997). These claims were grouped by the tribunal into districts. The research and hearing claims from a particular area is called a distinct inquiry. The process of district inquiries is nearing completion. In 2008, the power enjoyed by the Tribunal to register new historical claims was removed by the parliament in 2008. As stated above, the Waitangi Tribunal was established to there and give advice regarding present-day claims. On the other hand, the grievances of the Maori were mainly related with the historical actions and omissions of the Crown since colonialization. Under these circumstances, by 1980s, it became increasingly clear when the tribunal gained momentum. As a result of the great pressure generated in this regard, the government agreed to give a power to the tribunal to deal with the grievances going back to 1840 (Orange, 2004). After the victory of the Labour Party in the elections that took place in 1984, an amendment was made in 1985 to the Treaty of Waitangi Act, 1975 which allowed the tribunal to hear the historical grievances ranging back to 1840. These were the circumstances when the tribunal started to give reports related with a wide range of grievances together with cultural, environmental, language and land laws on the basis of past events (Belgrave, Kawharu and Vernon , eds . 2005). Generally the findings of the tribunal upheld the grievances. The recommendations made by the tribunal included a considerable reassignment of land and money. The reparation for the past losses were most significant as the unemployment that have increased significantly due to the economic policies of the government and the Maoris were suffering disproportionately. However, the issues related with compensation were also related with the Treaty principles which (partly as a result of judicial and Tribunal findings), now implied that there has been the growth of a partnership between the Maori and the Crown. As a result of the several recommendations for settlement that were made by the Tribunal, the government established a coordinating unit in 1989 for Treaty policy advice. It was known as the Treaty of Waitangi Policy Unit and was working within the Department of Justice. TOWPU gave advice to the ministers regarding a principled approach towards the Treaty. Consequently, in May 1989, five principles for crown action on Treaty of Waitangi were released by the then Prime Minister, David Lange. According to the fifth principle, it was accepted that it is the responsibility of the ground to grant a process for resolving the complaints that arise under the Treaty (Atholl, Binney and Harris, 2015). In this context, a major role has been plagued by TOWPU in the development of this process, starting with the Waikato-Tainui claims. Even if the individual Maori claims are also accepted by the Waitangi Tribunal, generally the Crown decides to negotiate settlements with a larger group like the iw i or a group of iwi. Therefore, even in case of a single settlement, a large number of claims may be covered. An example of a full and final settlement: The settlements that took place in the first half of the 20th century were not conducted in accordance with the Treaty of Waitangi. In 1989, there was a mediated negotiation related with a land-based claim in accordance with the Treaty of Waitangi. The land at Waitomo Caves , which was a major tourist attraction, had been transferred to the two hapu, whose territory was included in these caves. As a result, the tourism management and other connected processes had to be shared with the Department of conservation and the license fees for guiding and souvenir sales had to be divided between the Maori owners and the Crown. $1 million loan was given by the Crown to the Maori owners as an advance. The significance of the inclusion of Treaty principles in a piece of legislation: Many more Treaty claims were settled in the following four years. The 'Sealord' settlement was a major one, which was a follow-up on interim pan-tribal fisheries settlement in 1989. The government had also bargained full and final settlement of all the Maori claims related with commercial fishing in 1992 under the Treaty (Bargh, 2007). It was the first one which covered all the tribes. They were assisted by the government to purchase 50% of the Sealord Fisheries Company, given 20% shares of the new quota of fish and also a fisheries commission for the purpose of distributing the assets. The settlement was worth nearly $170 million in total and it also gave traditional food gathering rights. References Atholl, A., Binney, J., Harris. A., (2015) Tangata Whenua, Wellington: Bridget Williams Books, 2015. Bargh, M. (2007) "Maori Development and Neoliberalism." in M. Bargh (ed.), Resistance: An Indigenous Response to Neoliberalism, Wellington: Huia Belgrave, M. Kawharu M and Vernon D W., eds. (2005) Waitangi Revisited: Perspectives on the Treaty of Waitangi. Melbourne: Oxford University Press Gardiner, W. (1996) Return to Sender; what really happened at the fiscal envelope hui. Auckland: Reed. Graham, D. (1997). Trick or Treaty? Wellington: Institute for Governance and Policy Studies at Victoria University of Wellington Lean, M. (1999). "Getting the Government to Say Sorry". For a Change. Initiatives of Change. Archived from the original on 28 February 2014. Retrieved 15 August 2006 Orange, C. (2004) An Illustrated History of the Treaty of Waitangi. Wellington: Bridget Williams Books. Walrond, C. (2006). "Fishing Industry" Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of New Zealand. Retrieved 15 August 2006

Monday, December 2, 2019

Narrative Essay free essay sample

I was now directly facing my small black alarm clock, which gave the room a bluish glow and immediately switched to seven a. m. RING! RING! RING! RING! RING! RING! RI.. CLICK! I woke up early again as usual wondering why my mother even bothered to set my alarm in the first place. A sigh of relief fell over me as I stumbled out of bed to the overwhelming aroma of my favorite meal. The enticing smell poured down the hallway from the kitchen and slowly seeped into my room, as if through a direct ventilation system unavoidably leading into my nasal cavity. My face was completely wrapped in a thick, now blood red gauss. There were too many wires,tubes, and needles protruding in an out of my body to count. I was in excruciating pain and could barely speak. The nurse walked in shortly after I awoke and soothingly asked the standard questions to a victim of a traumatic experience such as this. We will write a custom essay sample on Narrative Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My mother was there by my bedside to comfort me and was the first thing I saw when I regained consciousness. I was subsequently put on a liquid diet for sixty days until my face healed and the doctors recommended that I spend a full two weeks in the hospital for recovery and observation. My mother stayed with me in the hospital virtually the entire time until I was deemed ready to safely return home. I had two expensive and complex laser surgeries to repair and rejuvenate my skin. I was reprimanded from Ladera Elementary School by my doctor Mr. Goldstein for forty five days. When I returned to school after my short stint in the hospital and my few months of recovery, the attention that I received from my teachers and classmates was astronomical. After a long grueling recovery the catastrophe was finally over. Narrative Essay free essay sample I stared up In shock at the announcer. I was sitting In the middle of an audience I had Just played for a few hours ago. Whooohooo!!!! Yean!!! I turn around to see the audience cheering their lungs out for me. Even though Ive been through so many competitions before, none of the competitions could even compare to the contrasting feelings I was having at the moment. Although at the time, I still did not know who won in the finals of one of the biggest competitions inCalifornia, nor did I know what the Judges thought of me, I knew that I had successfully completed a memory that would have a big impact on my life. I knew that I had worked hard and tried my best, and even if I ended up not even winning a place, I would have earned something from this extreme event. My teacher had been trying to decide what piece to give me for my next competition: MEAT, the Music Teachers Association of California. We will write a custom essay sample on Narrative Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page What does that mean? It means that I will be competing In one of the biggest, and hardest competition In California again.It would be the 3rd time In this competition for me, after falling the first time, and barely cleaving Honorable Mention the second time. I knew that this was my chance, my chance to finally show all the critics, all the people that believed I was just a talents girl with extremely well-known teachers, that I actually was able to play the piano. Oh! How about this piece? my mentor suggested. I looked up to see my teacher, a young boy stuck in a old mans body, look at me, so happy and excited about something that he was almost bouncing off the floor.I see IM holding a green book, and I see as he opens the book to the 5th page, the words Babbage Variations by Schumann. I nearly fainted right there and then. How did this teacher expect me to play this super hard piece that even Lang Lang made mistakes In when he played, when I couldnt even play my Mendelssohn well? I thought to myself, but I probably cant do anything about it, especially not with my mom looking like a dog that just managed to get its owner to give it a thousand bones, also. The first big obstacle came quick enough.My mom announced that I was going to lay at her students recital, only a few months after I first got the piece. I nearly fainted after all the screaming, crying, yelling I did. It would be a good experience and excellent practice for your competition she said. But Im not ready! I replied back trying to use imploring eyes to achieve a change of mind. Muff are playing, and thats final! she answered. I knew there was absolutely no point In arguing anymore, and that all I could do was practice.Turns out, I was completely right about one fact: I was not ready for this recital at all. I messed up, and I didnt mess up small. I messed up humongous, much practicing I would have to do to prepare for my second obstacle: my piano teachers recital. Apparently, all the practicing I did before this next recital was not enough, because I managed to embarrass myself at my piano teachers recital also. My fate was inevitable, and I knew by then that I was going to be practicing like crazy now, if I didnt before. I also knew how furious my mom was going to be at me. My prediction was completely correct, as I was told to practice so much that my fingers were about to fall off. To be exact, I practiced sixty times for each variation, and Babbage Variations has multiple variations. Though it took more than 4 hours every day, I stayed persistent, and slowly and steadily I improved. As I was about to go into a room for the first round of the competition, all I could think was What if I mess up, what if I mess upIm going to mess up, Im going to mess up, IM GOING TO MESS UP!!! GASH!!! The door holder called out, Anna Yang, and it was my turn. I went in, and was surprised to find three Judges, different from the previous year. My face literally urine as bright as the sun when I did not see the Judge that absolutely detests my teacher, *a*c* *e*s*n (for privacy reasons, I will exclude her name from this essay). I turned as hyper as a kid could become, and I was about to scream from happiness right then. Every single time I am in a competition, and shes a Judge, she always marks me down. Luckily, she was not here this time, and instead, sitting in her place, was a nice, friendly looking old lady, a not very skinny lady whos facial expressions seemed a bit like the evil stepmother from Cinderella, and a Jasmine look-a-like lady whos only difference from Jasmine was that she looked like she was about to poison me with a poisonous apple. As I bowed to them, I became more relaxed at the smile of the nice, friendly looking old lady.Although I was still frightened at the prospect of messing up, I was shaking a considerably less amount than I was before. I made a mistake, but I was lucky. Right when I made the mistake, the nice, friendly looking Judge dropped her cushion from her chair, and everyone rushed to help her pick it up. My mistake had gone by unnoticed by the crowd. By that time, I as so ecstatic that my smile was about to reach the sky. The results of the first round came out soon enough.As I went on the MEAT website on my phone, I could hear both my moms heartbeat, and also my heartbeat beating as fast as a hare would beat while being chased by a extremely furious tiger. The page finally finished loading, and I scrolled down to see: Grand Prize: Anna Yang. I celebrated for about 2 minutes thinking about how all that practice had actually been beneficial, and then I realized what that meant I was going to have to compete en more time, this time against the winner of the Southern California group.I scrolled down to see who exactly I had to compete against during the final, and I went ballistic when I saw. Sherry Tang was the winner of Southern California. I was going to play against THE Sherry Tang, the girl who was on From the Top and won against college kids. The girl who won a national competition. By that time, I was already dead cast against the fact that I would never win, but my mom calmed me down with her comforting words, telling me that I should not give up, even if there is almost no chance of winning. I did not give up. I continued playing and practicing every day, and I ended up not my name. As I heard the words 1st place, Anna Yang, I walked towards the auditorium stage. As I walked on stage, I did not cry. I could only smile. Who wouldnt? Why would you be unhappy about the fact that you had Just won one of the biggest competitions in California? Though I do not practice as much anymore, I still always have a certain self- confidence while playing piano. I also learned that as long as I put in effort and I have fun, the audience and Judges will also have fun, and they will feel the effort I have put in. Narrative Essay free essay sample Elementary school kids love to play various games during their snack and lunch breaks after class. In the third grade tag games were the hot thing to do during recess. Personally I hated playing tag games because I was never the fastest girls, and I always seemed to end up getting tagged. I was â€Å"it† for hours! One day my friends and I decided to switch up our usual routine of playing tag and chose to play Cops and Robbers instead. As fun and easy as that sounds, to this day I am still scarred from playing that game. Excitement rushed through me when I was chosen to be on the Robbers team. That means I got to hide, and I had always had a unique talent for finding creative hiding spots, so I thought this was the right fit for me! As the Cops began their countdown, all of the Robbers quickly dispersed throughout the playground. We will write a custom essay sample on Narrative Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page On the farthest end of the field I spotted, what I thought at the time was the perfect place to hide. It was a huge tree that had roots jutting out of the ground and multiple little bushes all around it. I saw my chance and rushed over to the tree and nestled myself between two trunks. As the minutes continued to pass by, there was still no sign of any cops in my area, so I decided to risk taking a little peek. I stuck my head out from behind the tree, and not one, but two cops spotted me. They immediately started to run my way! As they got closer I was forced to run away from my brilliant hiding spot and broke out into a full sprint away from the cops. In a matter of seconds both of the cops were right behind me and to try to get away a turned to the left. If only my feet moved as fast as my mind. My right foot caught onto one of the giant roots sticking out of the ground and pulled my entire body down to the earth. As I hit this ground I instantly heard a loud â€Å"snap† and felt a sharp pain in my right hand. It sounded as if someone had just snapped a branch completely in half. The pain was so excruciating that I immediately pulled my hand close to my body to try to stop the intense pain. In tears and too afraid to look down at my own hand I begged Jessica, one of the cops who was chasing me, to look down at it. When I told her that I thought I had broken my hand, she automatically thought I was just being over dramatic. I knew it was really bad when I uncovered my hand and her face instantly turned as white as a sheet. Fearing the worst, I looked down and saw one of the grossest things I had ever seen in my entire life. My ring finger was in the shape of a lightening rod and my pinky was dangling off to the side of my hand. During all of the commotion, three yard-ladies made their way over to me and took me into the school nurse’s office. They kept trying to get ahold of my parents but their phones kept going straight to voicemail. I was stuck in the nurse’s office with a tiny little ice pack that sat on my hand for over three hours. Making things even worse, one of the yard-ladies who barely spoke English, sat with m wiping my tears and kept repeating, â€Å"It’s, okay, honey bunches†. I was so relieved when my mom finally walked into the nurse’s office to save me. The second she saw me my mom instantly came over and looked at my hand. She was shocked by how bad my injury actually was. After she made sure that I was okay, she checked me out of the nurse’s office and thanked the yard-ladies for being there for me. I don’t think I have ever seen my mom drive as fast as she did when she rushed me to the hospital. In the waiting room at the hospital I couldn’t help myself from starting at my fingers. How did my once straight fingers turn into giant, puffy zigzags? Would my hand be disfigured forever? I couldn’t help but wonder. According to my doctor, along with the multiple fractures to my fingers I also had a type of injury called a proximal interphalangeal joint dislocation in both my pinky and ring finger. I had landed on my hand at a ninety-degree angle causing my fingers to dislocate and break in several different places. After explaining my injury, the doctor showed me the X-ray of my hand to help me understand exactly what had happened. In the human hand, there are four bones in each phalange. I had managed to fracture three and dislocate two. In my ring finger, I severely dislocated my proximal phalange from the metacarpal and fractured the metacarpal. And in my pinky, I slightly dislocated my proximal phalange from the metacarpal and fractured both the proximal phalange and the metacarpal. He then explained that he could simply â€Å"pop† my pinky back into place and a team of redd blood cells would rush to the injured area and help my bones heal on their own. But in order to heal the trauma to my ring finger, I was going to have to have three, two-inch pins surgically implanted into my finger. According to the Wheeless Textbook of Orthopaedics, the method that my doctor was going to perform is called traction. This method invovles the use of pins in the shape of a â€Å"7†. The long body of the pin would be the part that would be inserted into my finger and the through my bones to heal the fracture and keep my bones from continuing to re-dislocate. The pins played an improtant role of stabalizing my bones. In order for this technique to work, each pin needed to be inserted in at three different angles. Two pins were put in on the left side of my finger and the third was placed into the right side. By doing this, each pin would be holding the bones in place at different angles allowing them to heal back together. The purpose of the pins was also to help my bones so they would heal straight and not crooked or continue to re-dislocate. The next day I walked into the hospital gripping my mom’s hand as tight as I could. She brought me into the hospital room and laid me down in the bed. After kissing my forehead, she told me she would be there next to me when I woke up. However, the second she left the room I was instantly overwhelmed by fear. There were strange smells and scary looking instruments all around me. I couldn’t take my eyes off of them. Finally the nurse came into the room and told me to just relax and that everything was going to be okay. She then told me to count backwards from ten. While I was counting she placed a little mask over my mouth and within seconds I was drifting off into my own little world. The next thing I knew I was awake in a hospital room with my mom holding my hand just like she was before she left me. it was as if nothing had even happened. I looked down to see if I had just been dreaming, but sure enough there were three tiny objects sticking out of my finger and my hand was wrapped up in a cast. The pins looked as if a person had just shoved three push pins into the sides of my finger. My surgeon came back into the room and said that the surgery went well and he would see me in two months to take out the pins. As promised, a couple of month later I was back in the same little hospital room and he removed the pins from my hand. After another two and a half months of intense physical thereapy twice a week, the long healing process of my hand was finally over. The experience I went through of healing my fingers through surgery and regaining the strength of my hand through physical therapy sparked a new passion in my life. To me it is mind-boggling how the human body is structured and how it works. I can now say that because of this experience I have discovered the path I want to take throughout my life. I know that I want to pursue the field of physical therapy in college and one day open up my own physical therapy practice. My goal is to help other people work through their injuries and prevent more injuries from occuring. That small, yet impactful moment in my past has inspired my future. To this day, whener I look down at my hand I can see the three little scars on my finger from my surgery. Every time I reminisce about how I got those scars and am constantly reminded of my first time breaking a bone and my only time playing Cops and Robbers with my friends back in the third grade. Narrative essay free essay sample I believe that â€Å"Love at first sight† is real. An actual feeling you get when you first lay eyes on that one special person. More special than anybody you’ve ever met. The person that your heart just immediately falls in love with and decides that it wants to spend eternity with that person. I believe in â€Å"Love at first sight† because I’ve experienced in before. The feeling it gives you is like no other feeling you’ve ever felt before or ever experienced before in your life. You wonder, â€Å"Did I eat something bad? What’s going on? † because you know it’s not butterflies in your belly. It’s something much more different than that, like your heart wants to come out and draw you towards that person it fell so much in love with. â€Å"Love at first sight† is easily confused with â€Å"Lust at first sight†, when somebody is only wanted for their body and nothing more other than for their personality and interests in life. We will write a custom essay sample on Narrative essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page â€Å"Love at first sight† was understood within the context of a more general conception of passionate love, a kind of madness, or as the Greeks put it, madness from the gods. I never use to believe in â€Å"Love at first sight† until the day that I actually experienced it. I thought it was a foolish thing to believe in. Then again I never had the experience of love either, besides a family’s love. Every time I heard somebody talk about â€Å"Love at first sight† I use to just laugh and say that we all have our own beliefs and our own opinions on things. â€Å"Love at first sight† is usually used in movies and novels about a character feeling a strong romantic attraction for a complete stranger once they first lay their eyes on them. It is said to be just a trope, something that is used for figurative language. Described by poets and people from Greek, it has become one of the most powerful tropes in Western fiction. It was used in Les Miserables along with The Little Mermaid and even Romeo and Juliet. The day I started to believe in â€Å"Love at first sight† was the day that I first met my boyfriend. It was a Tuesday after school and I was going to the library with my friend to help her with her science project. It was August 30, 2011 on my mom’s birthday, and I begged my mom to let me go. After she finally agreed, my friend and I head off to the library from our lockers at  school. Once we stepped outside I was nearly blinded by the sun for how bright it was outside. We’ve been inside almost all day so of course my eyes have gotten a little bit sensitive to the sun light. Once we got to the library, we sat on the boulders sitting out front the library, right next to the copper statue that was later on the news because some junkie decided to steal it. It was quite loud outside, mainly because of all the cars driving by on the main road not too far away. My friend and I sat there and talked while she did her math. I finished mine during lunch that day so I didn’t have any homework to do. In the meantime, I waited for her to be done so we can start working on her science project. I didn’t know that my entire life was going to be altered that day. I had no idea that my heart would fall in love with the most incredible teenage boy that I’ve ever met. Shortly after 3pm a city bus stopped and let off some teenagers at the bus stop in front of the library’s parking lot. I was busy looking at my phone checking to see if I had any missed calls or text messages from my family, so I never really saw him coming. I looked up at the sound of teenage boys talking and noticed three walking right towards us. Of course, I started to get a little shy. One boy was wearing a red sweater; he had really short black hair and glasses. Another boy looked like my friend Kyle Harlow, with the short dirty blonde hair and the funny looking walk. It wasn’t Kyle though, we would have noticed each other and said, â€Å"Hi! † if it was. The third boy was different, when I looked at him I would get this feeling in my stomach that felt like butterflies but meant much more than a tingly feeling. He had medium-long hair that was brown and was wearing a white shirt with a red maple leaf centered on it and it looked a bit too big for him. His pants were a light acid-wash blue that were a little baggy, but he was wearing a belt and kept picking up his pants to waist height. His eyes were a beautiful blue-green color and his smile was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. By now I realized I was staring, so I quickly looked at my phone and decided to just stare at it. I was nervous and shy so I pretty much refused to talk to anybody besides my friend. The boy with the red sweater kept asking my name, but I never really responded. I just looked up at my friend and giggled a little. Meanwhile, the one I stared at for what seemed like forever was tossing rocks at me and smiling with his gorgeous smile. One boy left with his mom, the one that looked like my friend Kyle; and the boy with the red sweater left later too. The cute one gave up with his attempt at flirting with me and went inside the library. That was the day that I experienced the feeling of â€Å"Love at first sight†. It was also the day that I met my boyfriend, who is in my opinion, the best teenage boy on earth that I’ve ever met. Narrative essay free essay sample In the registration day. That morning I woke up early and ready to go the university. I arrived at the university and my first impression about this university, I thought it was a big university like another university in Malaysia but it just a chophouses that renovate to become an university. After that, I just sat under the canopy to register my room and after registration finished i go to find my room at block no 1,3rd floor, room no 14 Suddenly, saw my matriculation friend. Y feeling that time oh. Im not alone here. Hope he will be my roommate here but unfortunately he arrived early than me. My room at third floor, and he at the 1 floor. When enter my room, i meet my new roommate zamia from Juror ,ye also from Juror and lee from penman. This is my first time has Chinese roommate. What Im fell very grateful is my roommate is same course with me. We will write a custom essay sample on Narrative essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page So,we can study together.In the evening, we need to go dean terbium Susquehanna for MM week. It was such a bored orientation week. However, too much things that learned from the orientation weeks. For example, how to managed time,money and so on. In Conclusion, we must adapt a new situation when we just arrived at the new placed and Become a friendly person. Besides, Illuminable Im feel very grateful to be here no matter how small this university.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Technology In Higher Education Example

Technology In Higher Education Example Technology In Higher Education – Coursework Example Technology in Higher Education Effects of Technology in Higher Education Modern technology has a significant impact in higher education globally. Advancement in technology has boosted the overall operations of a higher learning institution. It has improved the students’ learning experience. In addition, it has increased the accessibility of the higher learning institutions through creation of websites known to the public. The introduction of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and other online offerings has significantly benefited the operations, learning, and accessibility of the higher learning institutions (Forbes editors, 2012).Technology has enabled students to no longer to congest auditorium rooms for lectures. Through leveraging online platforms, students can now pre-record lectures and assess lectures anytime, anywhere, and as many times as they want. The institutions are now operating easily since learning platforms provide faculty with learner analytics (Scott, 200 5). The institution’s faculty now has greater data on who is learning, what they are learning, and how they participate on the online lectures. MOOCs enable teaching part of a program online and the other part in person. The online course provides flexibility to working professional and adult students because they can access course material as their schedule permits (Lytras & Corti, 2012). The institutions are able to run several programs without inconveniencies. It is made possible because through online learning, they can reach to their students both in Diaspora and in campus. Integrated e-commerce in the college and university websites has enhanced accessibility to these institutions. Students can use the university website to contact and get news or updates. The online website also specifies the location of the higher learning institution, which enhances fast access. Therefore, the modern technology has developed the higher institutions. It has enhanced easier access, imp roved learning among students. Finally, it has enhanced the operations of the higher learning institutions.ReferencesForbes Editors (2012).5 Ways Technology Will Impact Higher Ed in 2013. Forbes. Retrieved on 21st May 2015 from, M. D., & Corti, I. N. (2012). Trends and effects of technology advancement in the knowledge society. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. Print.Scott, P. (2005). Higher Education Re-formed. London: Routledge. Print.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Make Quick Cash Freelancing †Content Mills Not Included

Make Quick Cash Freelancing – Content Mills Not Included You’re eating ramen noodles for the third night in a row, stopping between bites to nervously run your hands through your hair. You haven’t seen the inside of a Starbucks in months and you’re pretty sure dust bunnies and moth balls have moved into your wallet. As freelance writers, we’ve all been there. . . at least once. The money keeps going out, but somehow it’s stopped coming in. At this point, many of us turn to the content mills to earn some quick cash, grinding out dozens and dozens of articles for a pittance in the hopes that we’ll somehow manage to come crawling out of the red. I know that’s what I used to do. But, friends, there is another way. Yes, there is another way to make quick cash freelancing. So, you – yes, you! Step away from the content mill. And try these tips instead. 1. Tap your networks. Let people know you’re a writer looking for work. Tell your friends, your family, your Twitter followers, your Facebook pals, your dog. . . Someone’s bound to know someone looking for a writer (okay, maybe not your dog). Why shouldn’t that writer be you? When I published my very first writer website, I placed the link in my email signature and thought nothing else of it. The next day, my mother had plastered the URL all over her Facebook page. â€Å"My ba Until representatives from two different companies emailed me about doing some copywriting work for them. Can you guess how they heard about me? My mom’s Facebook page! One of the contacts actually ended up becoming a client. 2. Get in touch with former editors. Be they from magazines, websites, online publications, newspapers, not-for-profits, or anywhere else, tell them you’re available to take on assignments. I’ll let you in on a shocking secret: Reliable, easy-to-work-with freelancers are hard to come I recently tried this tactic the last time I was short on cash and got four assignments as a result. 3. Sell reprints of articles you’ve already written. Find publications that accept reprints, then look through your portfolio to see if you have anything they might be interested in. Because it’s been published elsewhere, you won’t get full pay. But then again, you’ve already done the work, so anything else is just icing on the cake (or this month’s electricity bill). 4. Repurpose old articles and blog posts for new markets. Not all publications accept reprints, but you can rewrite the material to create something â€Å"new† for other markets. If you quoted in the original article, paraphrase in this one. Where you paraphrased in the original, use quotes for the new piece. You can’t copy and paste word-for-word, and you may have to contact one or two additional sources, but for the most part, it’s just a matter of going back to your notes and coming up with a unique piece for the other publication. The next time you’re strapped for cash, resist the urge to make a beeline for the mills and try these tips instead. You’ll be amazed at the amount of money that will roll in without having to chain yourself to your desk.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A solution to improving the innovative and entrepreneurship Essay

A solution to improving the innovative and entrepreneurship environment in the Arabian Gulf - Essay Example 1). But many a times when these enterprises turn out to be successful, possibilities of the world witnessing the advent of new technology improves. In such cases, not only is the entrepreneur who initiates the endeavour benefitted, but the region which hosts such activities gains as well. This is the reason why developing nations are more in need of such entrepreneurial activities which spans room for successful innovations. Nonetheless, such undertakings require encouragement on part of the national government of the concerned nation. National administrations of most developing nations are rarely in a position to afford the opportunity cost of fruitless endeavours which is why they often back off. In addition developing nations are also pestered by a large number of social drawbacks ranging from conservativeness to lack of adaptability which tend to hold back the entrepreneurs. Gulf of Arabia could be regarded as an example of one such region which had been characterised by such eco nomic and social glitches till a few years ago. The present paper attempts to figure out an entrepreneurship model that suits the environment of Gulf of Arabia, as well as spurs possibilities of future innovations. Although support from the provincial government and society from every conceivable aspect is necessary for entrepreneurship, a budding entrepreneur must also have robust business acumen, defined by a number of characteristics. Firstly, a potential entrepreneur needs to be ambitious and competent in nature, with a clear understanding of the challenges he is likely to face and ways to extradite out of the same. Secondly, he must not be afraid of taking risks since they might subsequently reap hefty business returns. Thirdly, such people should be visionaries in their own small way and creative as well so as to make the best possible use of every opportunity that crosses their path. Being creative and unique also helps them to leave their own mark and thus curve their own pa th of success. Fifthly, it is important to stay highly focussed and committed towards their target to minimise chances of errors. Apart from the feature defined above, it is also necessary that a person contains managerial skills which help him run an organisation successfully. Moreover, technical know-how is also a vital area which boosts a person’s creativity and hence, expertise in the field where he is venturing out (Gitman & McDaniel, 2008, p. 130). Last but not the least, a potential entrepreneur must be a good observer as well, who is able to study accurately the exact nature of the customer base he is going to serve. Nature implies both intrinsic characteristics with which a person is born as well as the ways in which he is likely to behave when portrayed to different situations. Economic and social environment prevailing in a region only complements the already existing entrepreneurial potentials in a nation. In fact, it could also be said that economic progress in t he true sense of the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Starting a high-end female sports underwear brand in the uk market Essay

Starting a high-end female sports underwear brand in the uk market - Essay Example Competitive analysis reveals that the underwear market in the UK is highly competitive and overcrowded. It has an enormous extent, making it difficult to break it down to narrower segments. On this basis, the underwear market is regarded as too large for the high-end female sport underwear to handle. As such, the UK underwear market was eliminated from further exploration (Halasa 2008). The sportswear market is anticipated to grow in the coming years, reaching its peak in 2015 at 4.89 billion pounds (Morgan 2001). This growth has encouraged various non-sport retailers to widen their clothing lines, including clothing lines. The sportswear market is growing more quality conscious, and consumers have shown significant potential to pay for it. This has created an opportunity for the high-end female sports underwear in the region. Findings show that females aged between 21 and 24, both within active leisure and mainstream sport are the appropriate target group for the high-end female sports underwear in the UK. This group is an opportunity for the company, as it provides it with an opportunity to tailor its products, and offer wool underwear in line with sports underwear. Nike and Adidas are the major players in the market. As such, it is vital for the high-end female sports underwear start up to gain a strong position. By entering the market as an untraditional retailer, the company will build a strong brand and manage to enter the UK market successfully. An agent will be highly suitable, as this will offer the high-end female sport underwear company with sufficient information about the market. The company will specialize in the production and sale of high-end female sports underwear brands. With sufficient information regarding the market, strong brands for children, men and women, the company will contribute to growth as well as profitability for convenience goods. The high-end female sport underwear brand will serve as part of an

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Birthday Party Essay Example for Free

The Birthday Party Essay Theatrical features of the birthday party The birthday party considered as one of the greatest Pinter’s work which reflect his own rules and features of his own drama. Perhaps Pinter is very different from other absurdist writers as the Irish Samuel Becket and Inesco.but in anyhow I can assume that the theatre of the absurd as called by Martin Essllin has witnessed some other themes and set of ideas that makes it relevant .This is partly as a results of Pinter’s style of writing ; he does not preach lecture or categorical statement , but instead present his audience with incident ,characters ,language that suggest that something of great significance is taking place ,without ever being specific about what is it . So that the birthday party is an exploratory work that stimulate the audience into a wide range of topic , and perhaps the most vital thing to remember it is at one and the same time a play about the status of the artist in society , and how people fail to communicate, and about people need for security . Language is a tool to articulate and express opinions, but in the birthday party people used language in other aims. we have the undesirability of communication characters do not want to talk with each other they use language as an escape from truth we do not know whether the word they said are true or false and that is related to lack of verification and unverifiability which is between truth and falsehood cannot be detected. In the opening of the play we have a talkative woman that speaks a lot with her husband in an absurd manner communicating things with no real value. Pinter suggesting that people are too frightened of real communication to use language for this purpose, because real communication may reveal other weakness and deficiencies thus much language in the play is an attempt to cover up and evade the truth. Goldberg’s memories of youth as an example used in order to remove from Goldberg the obligation or need to talk about what is happening now. So the whole theme in the birthday could be summed up by saying that in the birthday party people are shown as being either unable or unwilling to convey accurately their feeling and thoughts to other people. Also in this play we have a struggle or a paradoxical situation between individuality presented by Stanly that presented as an artist in society. in this interpretation in which Stanly represent the man with creative talent who defies the conventions of society by his mode of living as someone who  refuses the traditional way of thinking and the values of society , and by refusing to accept it , and insist remains outside .therefore the character of Stanly considered as a menace to the system of society he may encourage other people to revolt against it. If this could happen people doesn’t do what society demand from them it mean the collapse and a total distraction of society as a whole . therefore Stanly has to be drawn back in order to obey to the rules and being conformist by force if necessary .and the second part the two conformist man Goldberg and McCann whom considered as symbol that shattered the illusion of security of Stanly .that least one is an artist means freedom of artistic expression furthermore Stanly appears at end of the play in dark suit and white collar , shaven and unable to articulate or express himself this notions means Stanly start to fit in society . he has been made respectable, from this it is easy to argue that this is what society demands of its members an unthinking obedience and lack of any individuality . All Pinter’s play has the same scenario that have in the middle of it an unknown menace that come from the outside world. The first play was the room wirriten in 1957 that contains that idea of outsiders force. In the Birthday party the room have also a great significance that made by Harold Pinter, it means the security for Stanly also as a womb of a mother , somewhere warm secure for its inhabitants . This significance of the room is related to the isolation of Stanly as an individual member. But this security is shattered by outsiders’ forces which considered as metaphysical that comes from outside the room and show that this security is unrealistic, a vain of hope. We can say that outsider menace is the result of being strange and not like the majority of society. Stanly as an example he isolate himself from others and that what considered as a threat to the government. Finally we can assume that the play of the birthday party is an illustration of the state of modern man in the historical context after the second world war. I suggest that it main purpose is to describe the modern man who was influenced by the wars and violence he is lost and this feeling of lost is clearly shown in the play when Pinter used darkness in his play and this action made the reader and audience lost too. Obviously that theme of obscurity is also applied at level of communication and use of  language when people fail to express their real emotion and opinion. There is an undesirability of communication people are frightened to tell other what they feel rather they keep silence and this use of pause by the writer is deliberately in a manner to show the audience that not everything we communicate is in purpose, but the truth is what isn’t as Pinter said : I think we communicate only too well in our silence, in what is unsaid. Also in this play we have the use of la nguage as a weapon to distract and make other obey to other’s willing and that is a part of the menace which comes from the outside of the secure room .

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Unsettling Language in Elizabeth Bowen’s The Demon Lover Essay

Unsettling Language in Elizabeth Bowen’s The Demon Lover Elizabeth Bowen retells a popular folk tale in her short story, "The Demon Lover." The title suggests that the plot consists of a woman being confronted by a demon lover from her past. Bowen does not stray far from this original tale. Instead of originality, Bowen's prose relies on the use of subtleties to keep the story interesting. The story's subtleties feed us questions that continually grab our interest. Bowen immediately begins to create a sense of uneasiness in the first paragraph. As Mrs. Drover, the protagonist, walks toward her London house, "an unfamiliar queerness had silted up; a cat wove itself in and out of railings, but no human eye watched Mrs. Drover's return" (36). The author's use of the word "queerness" puts the reader on guard for something out of the ordinary. She then follows it by the description of a cat-a mysterious creature-wondering down the street with no regard to any passersby. The phrase "no human eye watched" seems to be overstating the situation. Instead of just saying that nothing was watching Mrs. Drover, the author chose to say that no human was watching her. We are led to question whether the cat was the only non-human watching her or not. And, if not, what else was watching her? The feeling of uncanny continues throughout the next paragraphs. The house Mrs. Drover enters is given characteristics that suggest that it is living. There is a "bruise in the wallpaper" and a piano "had left what looked like claw-marks" (36). On their own, these descriptions would not have created uneasiness. But, the house that bruises and furniture that leaves claw-marks contribute to the sense of uneasiness that had already begun to develop. W... ... no resulting rescue (40). Her screaming leads us to believe that she had in fact gotten into the demon lover's taxi. As the driver "made off with her into the hinterland of deserted streets," we are still left questioning who exactly the driver was, how he had come back from the dead, what Kathleen had promised him, and whether she had actually remembered her promise and had used it as an escape to her monotonous life (40). All of the unanswered questions, along with subtle uses of unsettling language, create an unsettling effect throughout the story. The title, "The Demon Lover," gave a good general idea of what Elizabeth Bowen was writing about, but her clever writing left interesting questions lingering throughout the story and even after its end. Works Cited Bowen, Elizabeth. "The Demon Lover." Collected Stories of Elizabeth Bowen. New York: Knopf, 1981.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

History of Uganda Essay

In the year 1890 to 1926, the British government forged what is today the country called Uganda although they are not the initial unity negotiators in the country. The derivation of the name Uganda was from the kingdom of Buganda. This kingdom encompasses the southern portion which includes Kampala, its capital city. Prior to the unification of the country by the British, the country was under the control of the dynasty of the Bachwezi. These are the same people who had an influence upon Rwanda, the government of Tanzania as well as Congo in the period 1100 to 1600 AD (Akallo & Alford 38-40). Background Information about Uganda The nation of Uganda is an East African landlocked country which takes its name from the kingdom of the Buganda. This has the encompassing of the portion in the southern part of the nation which incorporates Kampala, its capital city. This East African country borders Kenya, Sudan, DRC, Rwanda and Tanzania. It is land locked and its southern side is made up of Lake Victoria where the borders to Kenya and Tanzania intersect (White 1-6). About the LRA The Lords Resistance Army is a guerrilla army of a sectarian type whose base is in the northern part of Uganda. The LRA emerged out of the wreckage of the Uganda National Liberation Army in 1986, and settled down by Joseph Kony in early 1987. The activities of the group include armed rebellion directed to the Ugandan government making it a major conflict in Africa as one of the longest-running conflicts LRA was involved in committing abuses as well as atrocities of high magnitude ranging from abduction, maiming, raping of the female, mass killing of the civilians and mostly the children. The movement also played a pivotal role in the destabilization of the northern region of Uganda operating from Sudan, which was their base. They also congregated in an eastern region in Congo called Bunia. They made links with Army for Liberation of Rwanda, the (ALIR) among other rebel groups (White 1-6). LRA came into being in 1987 for the purpose of engagement in the armed rebellion directed to the government of Uganda. This has been a major conflict in Africa. The leader of the group, Joseph Kony was in a position for self proclamation as Gods spokesman as well as a Holy Spirit medium. According to the belief of the Acholi, there is a possibility for diverse forms of manifestation by the Holy Spirit. This group holds to syncretistic blend involving the Christianity, the mysticism as well as Islam, the traditional religions in Uganda as well as witchcraft. The claims of the group are the establishment of theocratic state whose basis is the Ten Commandments in line with the tradition of the Acholi. This group has been a focus for accusations for the violation of human rights. This include actions of murder, forcing of the children to take part in the violent hostilities, their abduction and mutilation, sexual enslavement of the children as well as women The origin and history of the LRA The army is projected to contain two thousand members functioning in northern parts of Uganda as well as southern part of Sudan. The army has been propped by the nation of Sudan. Majority of its operations are based in the northern parts of Uganda although there is evidence of its operations in some regions in the DRC of Congo as well as Sudan (Akallo & Alford 38-40). Ideology of the LRA The LRA reportedly is responsible for the evocation of the nationalism of Acholi people on occasion, but majority of the observers have a negative feeling with regard to the sincerity of their activities. The motives behind the operations of the group are the overthrowing of the incumbent government of Uganda with the consequent replacement of the regime that will comply with the implementation of the Christianity brand of the group. In frequent occasions, the group is involved in the kidnapping as well as the assassination of the local civilians for the purpose of the discouragement of any foreign investment as well as the precipitation of the crisis in the government (Akallo & Alford 38-40). What the LRA have done The group terrorized the locals people, theft from villages, flaming huts, cruel mutilation of the villagers. Massacres and atrocities took place to people in many villages. Majority of those people were displaced from their homes and were forced by the circumstances to live in the caps where life was miserable. The access to food as well as medical care among other human necessities was difficult to obtain. The group abducted vulnerable children to make foot-soldiers this made them to forfeit their chances for schooling as well as the development of their social lives. The children were forced to kill people mainly the villagers, their family members or even friends. LRA killed over 200 people and kidnapped at least 20 children from villages over a three-day period in the past 20yrs. So far, The LRA has abducted over 20,000 children, forcing boys to fight as soldiers and girls to serve as sex or labor slaves. (United Nations) How the LRA affected the people’s lives in Uganda Many people in Uganda lost their home and lives. Children who were used to be child soldiers have been suffered in physical or emotional ways. LRA has been documented as having abducted above 60 000 children as well as youth in Uganda. In every three of the male adolescent, one of them has been abducted, while in every 6 of the female adolescent, one of them has been abducted. The young women as well as the girls of the origin of the Acholi as well as the Langi are used to perform some chores while in captivity for the rebels and their abductors. These include fetching water, cooking, carrying of supplies, cleaning for the commanders of the army. They also played the roles of forced wives to the group members and therefore the majorities were impregnated. Increasing HIV / AIDS rate The conflict of LRA has a great effect on the children due to escalating incidences of premature sex, premature marriages, defilements of great magnitudes, incidences of rape as well as sexual harassment. In the extreme of these situations the young girls as well as women who are the victims of the abduction are made wives to the rebels. This has an implication of exposure to HIV/AIDs. These young women upon being rescued from the rebels usually encounter difficult life situations leading to their involvement in prostitution. The same applies to those who have been displaced and resort to live in camps. This has also contributed to escalating cases of HIV/AIDs. This situation is common ion the northern region of Uganda (Gatwech 23-43). Uganda has seen one of the most effective national responses to the HIV/AIDS pandemic on the African continent. According to the Uganda Aids Commission, so far, around 130,000 Ugandans are infected with the HIV virus every year. Over 1,000,000 (one million) citizens in the country of Uganda is the actual estimate subsisting with HIV, 520,000 of them being women while 110,000 of them are children (Gatwech 23-43). The lives of the ex-child soldiers were distorted by the effects of the involvement in the activities of the group. It was difficult for the children to go back to schools. Majority of the were in a situation that they needed some more chances in order to resume to normal life. This is because to the majority abduction took place at a stage that was early in life. The young soldiers greatly fear to take involvement in revenge as well as a chance of acceptance. Majority of the citizens consider these kids to be killers but the fact is that they are usually very good people (Gatwech 23-43). Conclusion and solutions In conclusion, to solve this internal conflict, the government is duty bound to conduct the development as well as the implementation of the most comprehensive strategy addressing issue of security, humanitarian action as well as political action. The army should be reformed as well as re-oriented which is only achievable through the provision of a path responsible for the negotiation and allow for the transition of the country to greater democracy. The life of the young children who took part in the conflict is at peril and the responsibility of their rehabilitation falls on the government. Works Cited Akallo, Grace. & Alford, Deann. â€Å"Survived Hell† Ignite Your Faith Vol. 65 Issue 8, p38-40 2007. Gatwech, Shame. â€Å"More victims of LRA rebels revealed in South Sudan† Sudan Tribune p23-43, 2009. White, C. Todd, â€Å"Uganda† Country Report p1-6, 6p, 2007

Sunday, November 10, 2019

What is the role of engineering science in solving engineering problems?

Engineering is about ensuring the health, happiness and safety of our planet's future. Engineers are at the centre of inventing creative solutions to address these challenges head-on. Now and in the future, engineers will play a vital role in finding solutions to many of the important issues facing us today, such as global warming, energy supplies, clean water, food shortages, transport, obesity, healthcare and the ageing population.Although engineers use science and math to design or create solutions to real world problems, engineering is not really considered a science. Science is about discovering and understanding the natural, whereas engineering is about inventing, designing and implementing the artificial. Engineering is based principally on physics, chemistry, and mathematics and their extensions into materials science, solid and fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, transfer and rate processes, and systems analysis. Engineers employ two types of natural resources, materials and en ergy.Materials acquire uses that reflect their properties: their strength, ease of fabrication, lightness, or durability; their ability to insulate or conduct; and their chemical, electrical, or acoustical properties. Important sources of energy include fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, gas), wind, sunlight, falling water, and nuclear fission. Let us take a moment to think about some things we use in our everyday life: Buildings, bridges, roads, highways and traffic lights, vehicles (buses, cars, planes and water ferries), computers and other electronic devices, none of them came into existence without engineers.We wouldn’t have been able to drive to work, check our facebook status or even use the elevators at our work places. Engineering science is used to solve problems and improve our world Problems like making your alarm go off on time or making sure your toothpaste has just the right amount of chemicals to give you that perfect smile or even ensure the right input to make a ngry birds an addictive game. Now let us look at an aeroplane, they provide a lot of examples of the importance of engineering science.Every bit of a plane has been touched by a whole team of engineers, a mechanical engineer designing engine, a mechatronic engineer designs the controls, the fuel extracted by mining engineers and refined by chemical engineers, the navigation system electrical and software engineer created those. From the Right brothers first 12th sec flight in 1903 to the invention of the jet engine, improvements in the mechanism of control in air frame construction have continued through the 20th century.Now with computers in the cockpit engaged in every aspect, flight electronics are sure to lead innovation in the future of aviation. The automobile change the way we travel but it remains an engineering work in progress so with the advancement of fuel cells and electric powered engines automobiles are certain to maintain their position at the front of technology wel l into the future. High performance materials have made possible some of the century most dazzling technological achievements like aero planes, microchips and lasers.In materials engineering atomic and molecular materials and the nano products they produce may very well make the 21st century the nano age. In the area of household appliances two major engineering innovations, resistance heating and small efficient motors lead to advancements like electric stoves, vacuum cleaners, washers, dish washers that drastically reduce the domestic workloads. A century worth of progress suggest that more innovations in advancement lie ahead. The Burj Khalifa, it is the world’s tallest building at 829. 8m high, it’s also in the world’s hottest environment reaching up to 50 degrees in summer.One of the problems in building the Burj was trying to figure out how to set 45000 cubic meters of reinforced concrete in such extreme weather. The solution was a clever method of pumping iced liquid concrete into the 55000 ton steel frame during the night. The result is a building that is vertically over 800 m high rather than horizontally all over the ground. On Saturday March 1932 the Syden Harbour Bridge was commissioned.The bridge was a marvel of civil engineering and since 1815 people had been talking of building a bridge to connect the two sides of the harbour. The problem was that the harbour was so incredibly wide and how could a bridge span such a width and support its own weight. The solution was the idea the Romans used in the past. The arched bridge works by transferring the weight into horizontal forces embracing them at the ends of the arch. Thanks to 20th century civil engineers the driving public can travel coast to coast by way of the interstate highway system.As traffic grows engineering is working to improve pavements, crash barriers and other design elements and would use new technology to improve traffic flow and safety. As the population of ci ties grew in the 20th century the challenge of clean accessible water was meet by civil engineers who created systems for water treatment and distribution leading to vast improvement in public health. As the need for clean water increases successors in water management will serve to inspire future engineers to face the challenge of improving water supply and distribution in all areas of the world.Chemical engineering and chemistry advanced in the 19th century. Through the development of electrochemistry and spectroscope many more chemical elements could be discovered. Mendelejev and Meyer independently developed the chemical law that states that the properties of all the elements are periodic functions of their atomic weights. In 1869 Mendelejev proposed the Periodic Table of Elements that classifies the chemical elements corresponding to their atomic weights. Based on this table subsequent discoveries of new elements were made which led to the completion of the table.In the 19th ce ntury chemical engineering witnessed an enormous advance in polymer technology and in the 20th century the mass production of polymers became economically feasible. These advances led to the introduction of new material, such as, plastics and fibers. As the demand grew for gasoline chemical engineers discovered a host of useful byproducts of crude oil and the petrochemical industry was born. Throughout the middle of the 20th century petroleum processing technologies allowed petrochemicals to replace environmentally harmful coal tar chemistry but environmentally issues may change the outlook of this industry in the 21st century.Scientist and Engineers learned how to make a transistor, shrink it to a microscopic size and harness it for once unimaginable powers of digital computing, control, communication, detection and display. Today engineers are exploring new architectures for these circuits and experimenting with mysterious quantum effects that might be harnessed for computation. A t the dawn of the 20th century the electric power capacity expanded rapidly while continuous innovation improves the system. As demand for the benefits of electrification continues to grow around the globe, resourcefulness remains a prime virtue.Large scale power grids are being supplemented by decentralized systems in which consumers produce some of their own power through renewable resources such as wind and solar power The first electronic computers introduced in the late 1930s were the size of large room and capable of the most basic tasks. Today PCs, Macs and laptops, I pads and smart phones are such prominent fixtures in our technologically advanced society that it is hard to imagine a future where computers don’t continue to have an increased role in almost everything we do.Beginning as a tool for academia and government and evolving rapidly into the World Wide Web open to anyone with a computer and a telephone connection, the internet has transformed the way we conduc t research, communicate and purchase items. The internet has now been such an integral part of our daily lives that the future could only bring more opportunity for us to connect with the world around us and do business.But what about the future, what problems will the engineers solve next, will we finally have affordable solar power or robots that can perform life saving surgery or a building so tall that your view is of out of space or finally engineering a working hover board. Engineering is solving problems by taking ideas out there and making them possible and when shared with the world it serves to make all of our lives better In summary we can see that throughout history engineers have taken ideas and change them into innovation.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Inbev and Anheuser

Inbev and Anheuser InBev was formed in 2004 from the merger of AmBev and Interbrew that made it one of the world leading brewers. The chief reasons for the merger were to offer Interbrew a competitive advantage in the fast growing brew market in Latin America.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Inbev and Anheuser-busch specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Similarly, the merger was also aimed at providing AmBev with a better opportunity to expand its market to Europe and North America regions and particularly a market for its Brahma brand. The merger resulted to a newly formed InBev Company that have more than 200 brands that are grouped into three categorizes, namely; global brands that include Becks and Stella. The former brand is distributed in 100 countries, while the later brand is distributed to 80 countries. The other category is referred as the multicounty brands and includes brands such as Brarna which is sold to 30 countries, Le ffe that is distributed to 60 countries, Staropramen that is sold in 30 countries and lastly Hoegaarden that is also distributed to 30 countries. InBev is a well established company that is ranked as the second largest brew company globally after BASEMiller. On the other hand, Anhauser Busch traces originated 152 years back when Eberhard Anheuser bought St. Louis brewery that was underperforming. The company has continuously enhanced its performance and it is nowadays raked as the fourth brewer worldwide with about 92% of its sales within the united sates of America. The company enjoys approximately 50% of the US brew market. The company is well established in the United States of America brew market and highly admired by many because of its good corporate culture. The acquisitions of the Anhauser Busch Company by the InBev Company will be a perfect match that will be very beneficial to the two entities. The Anhauser Busch has many popular brands that are highly marketable within th e United States of America as they are regarded as brews of very high quality. The high quality of its products is among the reasons that have enabled the company to perform very well in the United States of America. The InBev proposition to buy the Anhauser Busch shares at a rate of $ 65 per share was not a fair deal. The InBev Company was not compensating the Anhauser Busch stakeholders adequately, but was using that opportunity to take the advantage of the weakening US dollar and poor performing US stock market.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The management at Anhauser Busch took a very informed decision to engage a third party who advised them accordingly to reject the initial offer given to them by the InBev. At a rate of $ 65 per share, the company could not sell their shares to InBev Company since they could raise similar benefits as reflected by their strategic plan. The turning down of that offer resulted to InBev raising the share price they were offering from $ 65 to $ 70 which was a fair deal for Anhauser Busch shares. That was the reason that motivated the board of directors at Anhauser Busch to accept the offer since by selling their shares at $70 the management at Anhauser Busch perceived it as a profitable deal for their stakeholders as a means of maximizing their profits and particularly during this moment when the US dollar was weak and the US stock market underperforming. The acquisition of the Anhauser Busch Company by the InBev Company will be a very strategic move for both companies to enhance their performances and eventually maximize profits for their stakeholders. The existence of the InBev Company management will greatly assist to extend the global market of the Anhauser Busch Company products. The Anhauser Busch company global market performance is very poor since it only accounts for 8% of its overall sales. This low global performance is a clear indication that the company is facing a big challenge in penetrating global market which is very detrimental at this juncture where Anhauser Busch Company needs to enhance their global sales due to the weak US dollar. The InBev company well experienced workforce will step in and assist the company to argument its global sales in order to enhance profit realized. The acquiring of the Anhauser Busch Company by the InBev Company will ensure that the InBev Company becomes the leading brewer worldwide with an annual net sale of $ 36 billion. The management at InBev has assured the management at Anhauser Busch Company that they will retain almost every employee in their company once they acquire it. The management at Anhauser Busch Company will assist the InBev management on how to extend their market in the United States of America from the current 50% the Anhauser Busch Company is commanding. Similarly, the management at Anhauser Busch Company will bring into InBev their strategic corporate culture that will help InBev Company increase its market within United States of America and across other continents.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Inbev and Anheuser-busch specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Another opportune alternative that can greatly favor Anhauser Busch Company is if the management insists on a merger of the two companies rather than an acquisition. The merger will help the Anhauser Busch Company extend its global market, but it may not be very profitable for the InBev Company as an acquisition and most probably they will not settle for it.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Typical Course of Study for 9th-Grade

Typical Course of Study for 9th-Grade Ninth grade is an exciting time for most teens. The beginning of the high school years marks the culmination of their primary education, and the  course requirements for high school students  begin their preparation  to enter college or the workforce after graduation. Curriculum for 9th-grade students shifts to address higher level thinking skills and autonomous study skills. In 9th grade, language arts prepares teens for effective oral and written communication. Typical courses in science include physical science and biology, while algebra is the standard for math. Social studies usually focuses on geography, world history, or U.S. history, and electives such as art become a vital part of a students  education. Language Arts A typical course of study for ninth grade language arts includes  grammar, vocabulary, literature, and composition. Students will also cover topics such as public speaking, literary analysis, citing sources, and writing reports. In 9th grade, students may also study  myths, drama, novels, short stories, and poetry. Math Algebra  I is the math course that is typically covered in 9th grade. Some students may complete  pre-algebra  or  geometry. Ninth grade students will cover topics such as real numbers,  rational and irrational numbers, integers, variables,  exponents  and powers,  scientific notation, lines, slopes, the  Pythagorean Theorem, graphing, and using equations to solve problems. They will also gain experience in reasoning skills by working through reading, writing, and solving equations, simplifying and rewriting equations to solve problems, and using graphs to solve problems. Science There is a wide range of topics that 9th-grade students can study for science. Standard high school courses include biology, physical science, life science,  earth science, and physics. Students may also take interest-led courses such as astronomy, botany, geology, marine biology, zoology, or equine science. In addition to covering standard science topics, it’s essential that students gain experience with science practices such as asking questions and forming hypotheses, designing and carrying out experiments,  organizing and interpreting data,  and evaluating and communicating results. This experience usually results from taking science courses with labs and learning to complete lab reports after each. Most colleges and universities expect high school students  to complete two or three lab sciences.  Ã‚   Two of the most common science courses for ninth grade students are biology and physical science. Physical science is the study of the natural world and includes topics such as the earth’s structure, ecology, weather,  climate, erosion, Newton’s laws of motion,  nature,  space, and astronomy. Physical science may also cover  general science principals such as  the scientific method and  simple and complex machines. Biology is the study of living organisms. Most biology courses begin with a study of the cell, the most basic component of all living things. Students will learn about cell structure, anatomy, taxonomy, genetics, human anatomy, sexual and asexual reproduction, plants, animals, and more. Social Studies As with science, there is a wide range of topics that students can study for ninth-grade social studies. Social studies encompass history, culture, people, places, and environments. Students need to gain experience with  social studies skills such as reading maps, using timelines,  critical thinking, evaluating data, problem-solving, and understanding how cultures are affected by geographic location, events, and economics. Standard high school courses for 9th-grade students include American history, world history,  ancient history, and geography. Students studying U.S. history will cover topics such as the exploration and settlement of America, Native Americans, the foundations of American democracy, the Declaration of Independence, the U. S. Constitution, taxation, citizenship, and types of government. They will also study wars such as the American Revolution and the Civil War. Ninth graders studying world history will learn about major world regions. They will learn about the patterns of migration and settlement in each, how the human population is distributed, how people adapt to their environment, and the effects of physical geography on cultures. They will also study wars such as World War I and World War II.   Geography can easily be incorporated into all history topics. Students should learn map and globe skills using a variety of map types (physical, political, topographical, etc.). Art Most high school coursework now requires art credit. Colleges and universities vary on how many elective credits they expect, but 6-8 is average. Art is  a broad topic with ample room for interest-led, elective  studies. Art studies  for ninth grade students can include visual arts such as drawing, photography, graphic design, or architecture. It can also consist of performance art such as drama, dance, or music. Art studies should allow students to develop skills such as watching or listening and responding to art, learning the vocabulary associated with the art topic being studied, and fostering creativity. It should also allow them to encounter topics such as  art history, famous artists and works of art, and  the contributions of various types of art to society and its impact on culture.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Integrating Source Materials Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Integrating Source Materials - Coursework Example 96) explains, though he did not offer an explanation as to why. Quotation: â€Å"Involving our senses at every level, the re-perception of experiences can keep us from encountering physical phenomenon as they occur in time; in other words, watching what we do can sometimes prevent us from actually doing it." People perceive ideas differently. It has been said that there are those who watch and those who act. With reference to Roger (1995), when we indulge our sense at almost everything around us, reviewing our daily occurrence will help us encountering physical occurrence as they appear. That is reflecting on what we do can a times save us from taking part in the actual action (Rogers, 1995, p. 45). Summarize and paraphrase the contents of the two sources, with the intention of using them in your rough draft. Include at least one direct quotation from each source, and include in-text citations for all sources to avoid potential plagiarism. Set policies have been advocating for the participation of disabled children in general classrooms. As this stands, there has been another group favouring regular classroom---something that has not gone down well with other parents. For instance, Ms. Travis described Valarie’s case as, "She did not learn anything that year," referring to Valarie who was put in regular classroom against her wish. Reacting to the challenge of putting children in general classroom, Tomsho (200) said, â€Å"In 2005, more than half of all special-education students were considered mainstreamed, or "fully included," nationally. These students spent 80% or more of the school day in regular classrooms, up from about a third in 1990, according to the U.S. Department of Education.† He concluded by saying that the biggest challenge however was lack of clear policy. Referring particularly to Ms. Travis who said,

Friday, November 1, 2019

Social Impact of Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Social Impact of Technology - Essay Example and deforestation as a result of this insatiable need for paper (which resulted in environmental degradation) were sky high not to mention the untidiness associated with littered paper all over. With the age of computers however, people could now store a lot of information on tiny microchips that would have otherwise taken up truck-loads of papers in the ancient world. Computers have in this way single handedly saved our environments (Hintz & Hintz, 1983). World economies have also flourished because of these machines. Because of computers, there is now faster communication, better service delivery and exchange of currency through a plethora of network services and e-mails. Lucrative business engagements can now be initiated via Skype, for instance, or simply by sending mail at the click of a button. In addition, operational costs have been significantly reduced and businesses spend much less on communication unlike the old days when messengers had to be expensively hired and paid (Knowles, 1976). Education has been made much easier too. Almost all information and books are now found in the internet unlike in the past where learners had to contend with the mental drawbacks or visiting distant and paying for library fees and tuition to acquire basic information. One can now access almost all information from the comfort of their homes and send and receive feedback on various issues from other students without much hassle. Computers have in addition, improved the quality of education now offered in the modern school. Teachers are now free to focus on student development unlike in the past when one, for example, had to rush through a lecture in order to go and manually calculate scores for end-session evaluations and so on (Hintz & Hintz, 1983). Perhaps one of the grey areas concerning this fantastic innovation concerns its influence on relationships and morals where it can present both positive and wildly negative impacts. In as much as computers have allowed

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Party Press Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Party Press - Essay Example Mass media refers to the transfer of knowledge and information to an unlimited mass audience. Phones or cell phones may not usually be considered as a mass medium; this is because telephones are the device meant for only two way communication between two or more than two people. Previously there have been only six categories of mass media; that is, Print, Recordings, Cinemas, Radio, Television and the Internet. Now a new category has been introduced in the mass media, which are cell phones. Cell phones are now being considered as the seventh mass media channel; also called as digital media. Cell phones are the only mass media that are always carried by the user. They also provide nearly 100% accuracy regarding the audience and that every content that has ever passed through the device could be traced back; whether it is calls, messages, or any other media content such as movies, videos, or music. In ancient times the Church was the sole source of information for the people. The Churc h had the complete power over the minds of the citizens and was very powerful. They were the ones responsible to disintegrate the information in whatever form and style that suits them. After the Gutenberg’s invention of metal movable type, books became widely available. They were then the source of knowledge and information. ... The 1960s saw the first innovation in the form of open reel audio tapes; then came the C-cassettes and music cartridges in the 1970s and later in 1990s the MP3 files were the new digital storage medium for music. The records were not only limited to music storage but also provided storage for videos and movies. In the 1970s, movies started appearing in video cassettes. Later recording also expanded to include categories such as computer programs, video games and TV shows. Due to these advancements the music industry also evolved to include the pop music, besides the orchestra. Cinemas were introduced in the 1910s as the third mass media channel. Watching a movie in cinemas is an exhilarating experience for many. Movies were the first mass media that involved moving images and pictures. The visual effect they created was unmatched by any other mass media. At first movies were thought as means that could diminish the value of books. But this was not the case. Some of the best sellers w ere converted into movies, while in other cases the best of the Hollywood movies were written in print. Not only books and novels, but comics were also made into super-hit films, such as Superman, Batman, and Spiderman etc. The radio became the next mass media. With the invention of radio, came a concept of broadcast schedule and audience were required to listen to the shows when they were aired, and not just as they wished; as was the case in all the previous mass medias. It became the channel for commercial communication and brought its audience a wide range consisting of news, information, dramas, music, debate etc. Radio first brought the concept of breaking news; disseminating news and information as it is happening. Radios were sustained by