Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Use of Private Military Companies (PMCs) in Africa Essay

PMCs emerge in a history course as an inevitable result of the changing in world structure and technology development. This critical review examines Anna Leander’s article on the paradox of implementing private military companies (PMCs) in Africa. The central issue is how security can be influenced by the using of PMCs. Building on Leander’s argument, this review argues that PMC is a double-edged sword that can be used to provide security as well as to stir insecurity. The blurred public and private lines and ambiguous regulations of PMCs cannot be neglect thus the use of PMC forces need stronger regulation and a better system of cooperation with other national or international actors. The review will first analyze the reasons for using†¦show more content†¦What need to be added to this point is that PMCs also diminish the possible hatred which could be brought by ethnic conflicts between states. Ethnic conflicts frequently take place between Africa states as m ost of their economies rely on primary resources and thus they are a huge tempt causing conflicts. While neither the primary sources are part of PMCs goal of profit nor they consist of major ethnic groups in the states, thereby the possibility of causing ethnic conflicts and the aggravation of hostility between ethnic groups by war are less possible. Second, Leander (2005) argues that PMCs are respectable as they follow professional knowledge and business rules (p.609). PMCs are â€Å"strategically effective† for most of their team consist of professional military members, and their equipment are highly effective and advanced compare to the weak military force of African states (Leander, 2005, p.609). A third argument for PMCs in Africa is that they are more efficient and professional forces than local forces (ibid). According to Singer’s work on PMCs (2003), lacking of professionalism and the failure of local military is one of the reasons contributing to the rise of PMCs. The corrupted system, untrained local soldiers and poor arm conditions weaken the local military power, which is unable to solve conflicts (Singer, 2003, p.54). Besides, sophisticated equipment and advanced weapons requires skilled personnel to maintain and control which weakShow MoreRelatedHow Private Military Companies Affect Modern Africa1446 Words   |  6 PagesSouth-West Africa 500 years ago. It is difficult to find a war in Africa, especially post-World War Two, where mercenaries were not employed by at least one side, if not both. With the growth of professionalized military companies and the loss of political will to deploy conventional forces by Western countries, the usage of mercenaries is only going to increase. 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